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Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber Reconciliation?

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are showing approach. He made strong statements of affection she was suspended and Selena tour . Read More

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Guide to Man B**bs

this has to be seen because it always happens is amazing how this happened to this man if you like what you see and tell me how you think. Read More

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Spectacular Look of Miley Cyrus.

Set of black Resort 2014 Calvin Klein collection. Her sandals are some black CĂ©line How Many Points Do You Give? Read More

martes, 7 de enero de 2014

Nexus 5 the smartphone form Google is now available

The idea of Google having an SmartPhone out of contract and budget friendly is amazing. You can get it fro just $350, with NO contracts, unlocked and is a full fledge device.
This gives the user the freedom of carrier choice (see why some carriers dont sell it), and is very affordable compared to the rest of the market.
In order to get it you just need to head over on Google Play store.
Specs (according to Google’s website):

Bold new speeds and wireless living.

  • 4.8 oz. and 8.59mm
  • 4.95” 1920×1080 display (445 ppi)
  • Snapdragon™ 800, 2.26GHz processor
  • 4G/LTE and Dualband Wi-Fi
  • Android™ 4.4, KitKat®
  • Wireless charging

Thor: THe Dark World- Movie Trailer

We have a lot of movies coming … some promising and tons of them from Marvel.
Thor the god of thunder is this time the second movie for the character along, seems like Thor asking for help to Loki, his brother, in order to front a bigger evil that tries to take over the world. Also he tried to protect his beloved from this evil.
Watch the trailer after the break.

Celebrity sex addicts!

Charlie Sheen – sex addict is said and women. Also confessed that the cause is that he knows what to do with the money.

Dennis Rodman – Former NBA player pleaded and admitted sex addict who slept with over 2000 women,

Lindsay Lohan – Your ex boyfriend, Riley Giles, said Lohan is addicted to sex and is insatiable.

The Hand Position Says it A

is very interesting all depending on the person that you want to compare long as you have good intentions towards her for that in the world there are not always bad people that there are many who make depending diferiencia they carry and their families all going to put positive to the world so that the world is different.

Kim Kardashian debuts her new figure strip for Kanye West

Accompanies Kim West in much of the video and other scenes appears shirtless and underwear on a motorcycle driven by the father of her daughter.

After being parents of little North and committing to a party at a baseball stadium, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West appear together in the new clip of U.S. rapper, “Bound 2″.

The involvement of the media is not a cameo: Kim accompanies much of the West and in other scenes video appears shirtless and underwear on a motorcycle driven by the father of her daughter.

The material is full of sensuality and Kardashian shows off her body within 6 months after giving birth to North.

Coffins Factory produces a calendar “Sexy” to sell more drawers and destata controversy.

What Your Tattoo Really Says About You)

Watch a reporter impersonate Ron Burgundy

Watch this reporter impersonate Ron Burgundy.
For Halloween this reporter Paul Gerke has decided to impersonate Ron Burgundy, is funny!!, go ahead and watch it after the break.

Best Moment With Gf

Best Moment With Gf

the best special moment is when doing

something you love with your girlfriend is something romantic but as long as you give love to your girlfriend oh dear wife think of this?

domingo, 5 de enero de 2014

Now they hate: Paris Hilton declared war on Lindsay Lohan.

It all started at a party at the beach club at a hotel in Miami. Guests included Lindsay Lohan and Barron Hilton, younger brother of Paris, who was beaten to a pulp were.
According to has the specialized portal, Lindsay was furious to learn that Barron had spoken ill of her and sent a friend to beat him.
“Barron filed a complaint naming Lindsay Lohan and her attacker, who is friends with her. Miami police is looking for them.’s Face Barron is a mess and has been seen by a doctor. It’s a victim,” said a source close.
When Paris was the beating heard expressed fury online and threatened Lindsay explicitly: “They pay for what they did Nobody messes with my family and gets away with it.”.

World Best photos taken with an iPhone.

World Best photos taken with an iPhone.

10 things you post on Facebook and anyone interested.

These postings when you see them in the timeline makes you want to write to Mark Zuckerberg asking him to please put a ” Unlike ” or ” Dislike ” to stop the inappropriate behavior of your friend button.
. 1 – You ” Forrest Gump ” of Facebook
So you like to run ? And more over you have a smartphone with apps that record your travels and immediately post them on Facebook ? Good for you, but it’s really annoying to be sitting down to eat a delicious lunch and see that you ” just completed a run of 10 km ” with your app sports . The first time is okay for everyone to say ” oh , finally began to sport the big sucker ,” but every day is a little annoying.
. 2 – Being part of the ” conspiracy ” that end with Facebook
You no longer think Santa Claus, right? Ah , but I still think that Hotmail will not pay if you forward a message to all your friends account . And also think that if you post on Facebook that your information is yours and yours nothing but the FBI will not interfere in your affairs . Good . None of that will happen , so please , copy this on your wall and share it to keep more virtual friends.
. 3 – Comment photos of your friends a thousand years
There is nothing strange and produce more fear to enter your Facebook updates and see that a friend or friend commented on a photo of yours makes … 3 years? One can only think what happens? Been two hours looking at all of you , but all my photos ? What is the idea? And just discussed the worst , to remind you that your past was horrible, just when you were getting forgotten.
4 – . Fanatic contests and sweepstakes
Make memory and think how many times you’ve won something in a contest or sweepstakes . Too few , right? Therefore, please stop posting on Facebook that are participating to win a pack of organic oils , or a grill full of choripanes to your friends. It’s just advertising for the brand and will be posting a daily competition is really annoying. Now if the nightclub is won , finally have the decency to invite the roast.
. 5 – you ‘ super good ‘ to drink and get hungover
Life is hard , yes. But if you happen to take to the water in the vase on a reel , you turned off TV and have no idea how to wake up in your bed , why the first thing you post on Facebook in the morning is ” ooh . I’m with the half round … ” No one forced him to take and finally Is Facebook the place to post dramas that have alcohol ? No, thank you.
. 6 – you just complete a level in Candy Crush
If you already annoying that more than half of your updates on Facebook are ” Your friend has asked you a life in Candy Crush ” is getting worse to review the timeline and see that ” your friend has completed a level in Candy Crush” or ” your friend has put together two candy stripes .” Wow ! Your life is really exciting and worth sharing . Please disable notifications in Candy Crush Facebook wall.
. 7 – Save the world with a “Like”
What good. Have a strong social conscience and the environment is your friend. But trust me on Facebook put a picture of a panda in distress and post ” If you want to save the panda i like to put the photo and share it with your friends ” will not save the panda . I just redeemed will be your conscience , because you think this raises a moral quality and especially with friends who will say “what commitment to the environment.” Bullshit, no one thinks that so we do not continue with this desktop activism . Oh , and incidentally the pandas do not even know you posted that.
. 8 – The perfect couples who love all day
Is nice love? Yes , it’s nice. And it’s even nicer than your friends are happy with your partner. But read all day ” love you so much my boyfriend ” or ” counting the hours to be with you ,” produces some discomfort , especially those who still remain in the club single. Do not they have what’s app or text messages for the same be said privately ? Believe me just change your status to ” in a relationship ” enough to know you’re with friends and you love her very much. That is more than enough .
9 – . Fights with enemies that only you know who they are
In life we have all felt bad because someone did something bad. And when one calls the mom or your best friend to vent. But Facebook is not the place and less when one says ” I loaded the guys who write articles believing they know it all .” Why so much hate shooting at the flock ? Is not it better to tell the person directly the reason for your discomfort. Furthermore, if one says in such statements saying ” what happened ” you respond “no, no … ” . That’s even worse . Remember that if you shared something on Facebook all your friends will see it. If you wish to comment, the thing is simple:not posting form !
10 – . Like everyone knows where you are
Right. Foursquare postings where you say all the time, annoying, tell me that is so important to say that you get to work? And after you’re put in the subway station ? And then you’re at home? And then in the square ? And then in a bar? And then back at home? And the next day back at work? Personally I think one should share the location if you’re in a really awesome place , for example , the Eiffel Tower , because that all your friends realize they ‘re traveling the world while one is reading boring Facebook updates from the computer his humble home.